Conducting for Film

Unlocking the secrets of session recordings

Budapest 3 - 6 October 2024

Conducting for a film, tv or game session recording is unlike anything else. Here, time literally IS money. Recording with a full, 70-piece orchestra costs upwards of £90 per minute, with venues like Abbey Road costing many times more.

Composers, and even orchestrators, cannot afford to rely on conducting lessons they’ve had featuring classical pieces and non-professional orchestras, where the repertoire is known and there’s ample rehearsal time, particularly true in university courses.

Those relying on such experiences are often so badly burned during a commercial recording session that they never try conducting again, which is a shame, as composers know their music best.

Taught by an expert and prolific session conductor, this course gives film, tv and game music composers and orchestrators the tools and confidence they need to save money by being more efficient, while getting a better result from their orchestral session.

Daryl will discuss the common mistakes made which lead to problematic recordings, so composers and orchestrators can better prevent, predict, diagnose and solve problems. Attendees will also improve their chances of getting their music played correctly the first time by:

  • Rehearsing the orchestra in the right way − when to use the click and when not to

  • Giving the right visual cues – “To convey weight behind the melody, I used to beat aggressively but never got the desired result straightaway. Now I understand why”.

  • Learning the do’s and don’ts for session conducting  – so you don’t antagonise the musicians, but instead get them onside so that they play their best for you.

Attendees will come away with an individualised video recording of themselves conducting various cues, filmed throughout the course. This video will form a permanent, tailored record of what was taught, and will serve as an invaluable refresher to inform their session conducting technique for the rest of their career.  

Even if attendees decide not to conduct going forward, understanding session protocols and rehearsal techniques will make them more effective, and decisive, producers of their music. They’ll also be better able to articulate what they want to the conductor they hire, minimising re-takes due to miscommunication.

Whether you conduct the music yourself, or instead simply produce it on remote or in person, this course will teach you what you need to be successful musically and financially.

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